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Wings Nursery, Woodgate, West Sussex
Development Type: Residential
Bright Plan were commissioned to provide Transport Planning support for a residential proposal of 55 dwellings at a former agricultural nursery in Woodgate. Bright Plan supported the scheme through the provision of a Design Assessment, Transport Statement and Travel Plan services.
The site was located at the southern extremity of the Woodgate conurbation, south of a railway line level crossing. The site’s location was initially viewed by the local highway authority as not having sufficient accessibility credentials to support residential development of this scale.
To address these concerns Bright Plan employed a three pronged strategy which entailed: 1) justification of the site’s location in terms of accessibility based on Arun District Council’s Local Plan Policies, in particular the site’s close proximity to major strategic development and extant permitted developments meaning the site could not be differentiated along the lines of accessibility; 2) enhancing local accessibility through improvements to footways, pedestrian crossings, Bus Stop infrastructure; 3) Bespoke survey and modelling of the level crossing to demonstrate this had no bearing on accessibility.
Services Provided: Highways Design & Assessment, Transport Statement, Travel Plan, Traffic Modelling

2 West Barn, Norton Lane, Chichester, PO20 3AF
Civils Team | 03333583260
Highways Team | 03333583270
Landscape Team | 03333583280
Email: enquiries@bpcivils.co.uk